
Technologist, UX Architect, Game Developer, and Team Leader living in Cincinnati, OH.


A Long Time Ago IN a Galaxy Far, Far Away…

Like Luke Skywalker, if there was a bright center of the (technology) universe I was born on the “planet” that it’s farthest from — specifically a farm in southwestern Minnesota. Despite my geographical circumstances I was drawn to art, design, video games, and computer technology.

I learned the value of hard work from my years living on the farm, working at my uncle’s service station, and spending my summers helping my dad with roofing projects. After high school I moved to Minneapolis to pursue a career in Computer Animation and ended up as a technology support specialist at the school I attended.

My career in technology ultimately landed me in Cincinnati, OH where I worked with a group of private schools including Brown Mackie College and The Art Institutes. I developed my project management and leadership skills as the Director of Campus Technology for dozens of campuses nationwide.

I never lost my creative spirit and whenever possible I try to apply design and user experience principles to my day-to-day technology job. I’m a life-long learner and also enjoy dabbling in game design, programming (Obj C & Swift), VR & AR.

It is my goal to one day transition to a career where I can use my business experience, creativity, and leadership ability to do fun and amazing things with a small team of exceptional people.